Neko Ghost, Jump! – PC (P)review

Neko Ghost, Jump! – PC (P)review
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Genre: Puzzle platformer
Developer: Burgos Games
Publisher: Burgos Games
Release Date: January 11th, 2022
Edited by AlexKnight2005

Neko Ghost, Jump! Is a platformer with a side of combat that tries using the spin of swapping from a 2D stage layout to a 3D stage layout instantly at a push of a button with the ability to become a ghost. You play as a cat on their wedding day as its rudely interrupted by dog pirates on a flying pirate ship. After attacking your home and loved ones you set out across the world to catch the ship and save your bride. Neko Ghost, Jump! hasn’t been released of yet but does have a free demo on steam and we were allowed access to a more complete build than the demo has to offer.

Neko Ghost, Jump! Is a platformer about reaching the other side. The anchor of the flying pirate ship signals the end of each stage as you always never quite grab it. Each stage is short but completing them can be challenging as well as completing them with the extra goals in mind. The extra goals include collecting all the coins or completing the stage in a speed run-like time. These are needed as you must collect a certain amount before being able to battle the boss of each area. The controls may be more complex than most casual platforms as there is the ability to change from 2D to 3D gameplay and becoming a ghost. In most cases, you will switch a lot at each puzzle-like part of the stage. The game doesn’t allow you to go to 2D at all times but will allow you to go to 3D at all times. This prevents the player from getting stuck inside a block but most of the time it dumbed down the difficulty of this mechanic. Many parts have to be completed in one way that just turns this switching mechanic into a gimmick than something fun about the game. Most jumps to get into the next part of the stage rotates back and forth from the 2D or 3D takes a lot of mystery from which to use. The other but more fun mechanic is the ability to become a ghost and leave your body in place. As a ghost, you can attack better and you don’t instantly die when falling off the stage. The ghost form can also give you more “ties” to cross a gap or section before using your normal self to cross the stage. Some coins are also only seen as a ghost. Combat with your ghost form is very simple as you just swing your fish at the enemy. Most of the time the enemies will die easily while some will take a lot of your health quickly if you are not careful. The tricky part can come from making sure your lifeless body isn’t hurt while you are fighting as a ghost, if your too close to the enemy they could still hurt you and your ghost form.

Calling Neko Ghost, Jump! a casual platformer wouldn’t be exact as it carries itself as more of a challenging platformer game compared to others. Most jumping and platforming have to be exact as the game doesn’t forgive mistakes. This isn’t only to have to start a stage over. Many jumps can be made going forward but not back, blocks that don’t fall down don’t go back up and there isn’t a way to get health back in-game. Though the stages are short they quickly become really hard and precise while you juggle the controls for all the features without the ability to rotate a camera in the 3D view. Besides the first world, many of the other worlds only have two stages to experience but have enough to grasp the change each one has to offer. The boss of the first stage showcased how you will have to master both swapping from 3D to 2D often while going in and out of your ghost form though each stage of the fight. I also feel this highlighted the flaws of each as well. If they made the stages purely 2D and or 3D they would have a better game. Even if it was rotating back and forth from some stages being only 2D while others would be 3D. The music for each world is cute and fitting to the style. The unlocks to visually change your cat is also nice. The unlocks are done though collecting the coins and completing the harder challenges on each stage. Besides looks, I do wish the weapons changed least the visuals of attacking in some way but they don’t. Overall on the looks and sound of the game mix well together. Neko Ghost, Jump! Does a great job of making it all work together as the music, art, and sounds match and feel like they should be that way.

I’m unsure who I can recommend for this game at the time. The difficulty of the gameplay and controls does make it a casual game but, the look and sound of it make it seem like a casual game. The look of it makes it seem perfect for younger gamers but, I also feel it would be too hard from them as well. Neko Ghost, Jump! isn’t a bad game but, I feel the flaws it has it preventing it from being a great game than just an ok game. The game did run amazing with no real bugs for me to find and with the game in 0.8 beta I feel the large flaws are too much in the core of the game to address. If you are looking for a platformer to look casual but play difficult I would least try the demo out on steam but, I heavily recommend using a controller over the keyboard.


  • Cute and Runs Great
  • Nice Simple Artstyle


  • Casual game with complex controls
  • Unforgiving stages
  • 2D & 3D switch seems more gimmicky than adding to the game.