Lovely Planet 2: April Skies – PC Review

Lovely Planet 2: April Skies – PC Review

Genre: Action, Indie
Publisher: tinyBuild
Franchise: Lovely Planet, tinyBuild
Release Date: Jun 18, 2019
Edited by Thorstag

Lovely Planet 2 is an FPS game that takes FPS to another direction. This cute first-person shooter is not to be taken lightly at all. Yeah, it may not look like much, but believe me when I say the frustration level and skills you will endure is real!

Forget what you may have learned playing other FPS games like Call of DutyOverwatch, and Rainbow Six! This game requires actual skill and time to master. People may have been playing FPS games in the past, but all the years of mastering Ain’t got nothing on Lovely Planet 2. There are obstacles left, and right and timing is everything, especially when you are going to try to 3 star every level.

Not only is your time a factor, but so is accuracy and precision. With twists and turns, bad guys looking to ruin your day with different obstacles and everything else you have to look out for. You have to look out for friendly bystanders that seem to be in a perfect place to get snipe you and ruin your day. Not to mention your accuracy to shoot an apple once it’s triggered, you got one shot to do this.

If you fail to dodge obstacles, shoot an innocent bystander, or even fall down the level, you get booted right back to the beginning of the level to try again. This restart may not be an issue for some people, but repeating a level 6, 7, up to 10 times to master a level can be frustrating. I can imagine how frustrating it can be when you are trying to complete the level fully.

What happens when you get to the end of the game. Well, try your luck by increasing the difficulty up a notch. I feel that I am very lucky to have made it as far as I have. I tried to do the other levels by increasing the difficulty, and I found it was not for me. Having completed the game, I do have to say it was a lot of fun, very challenging, and yet very rewarding.

When it comes down to gameplay, graphics, and music, it all ties in very well. The graphics yet look very simplistic for an FPS, but it really pulled it off! I could not imagine a game at this caliber being done any other way. The bright colors, cute animations, and the different shapes used in the game made it feel very welcoming and warm. The music was very upbeat yet relaxing, and it worked really well to tie it all together! The gameplay was simplistic enough that a kid can play this game and have him entertained for hours!

The only complaint that I do have about the game is when you start, I don’t understand what is being asked before you start the level. What would make this game flawless is to have an option for the text to be translated into my native language. Without the translation, I assumed that it was describing different difficulties and Time levels that you had to beat.


  • Great music
  • Graphics
  • Ease of Play
  • Replay Factor
  • Colors
  • Concept


  •  Language Barrier Beginning of Level

Wolvesgamingden (Wagz) Gives a Lovely Planet 2 a Drastik Measure of 9.0 out of 10 (90)

For this game to be a sequel to its predecessor, it has been done really well. I really enjoyed it, and I think you will too! At the time of this review, the price point of this game on Steam is $9.99, which I feel is an excellent and fair price point for this game. Like I mentioned before, I feel it’s worth picking up, especially if you’re looking to burn some time!